Awarded Green Key 2020

Awarded Green Key 2020

We are proud to be awarded the Green Key 2020 again. The “Green Key” program is an international award that promotes Sustainable Tourism in Portugal through the recognition of tourist establishments, local accommodation, camping sites and restaurants that implement good environmental and social practices, that value environmental management in their establishments and that promote Environmental Education for Sustainability.

This initiative is the responsibility of the Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE), based in Denmark, is coordinated in Portugal by the Blue Flag Association of Europe (ABAE) and has the support of several national public and private entities.

The objectives of the Green Key program are:
– Raise awareness for the adoption of sustainable practices and behaviors among decision makers and participants (companies, authorities, customers, suppliers and local communities) through environmental education for sustainability.
-Reduce the environmental impact of trade, services and restaurants.
– Promote the reduction and efficiency in the consumption of natural resources.
– Facilitate green marketing strategies and recognize environmental management initiatives.
– Contribute to the implementation of Local Agendas 21 through the continuous improvement of organizations.

The list of winners is short and can be viewed by clicking on the next button.

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